Wednesday, January 22, 2014

Grammar Review Games- Simple Past

Click on the links to play the grammar games

Card Matching 1

Card Matching 2


Puzzle 1

Puzzle 2

Spelling List- Week of 24/01

NB: All of these words are verbs in the past tense.  These words are not in the correct order of the list I gave.  

1) brought (a apporté/ a amené)

2) taught (a enseigné)

3) caught (a attrapé)

4) fought (a combattu/ s'est bagarré)

5) bought (a acheté)

6) thought (a pensé/ a cru)

Wednesday, January 15, 2014

Spelling List Week of 17/01/14


Sorry for the delay of posting the spelling list (in case anyone needed it).

1) lemon (citron)

2) cabin (cabane)

3) dragon (dragon)

4) balloon (ballon)

5) camel (chameau)

6) seven (sept)

7) bacon (bacon)

8) pilot (pilote)

9) woman (femme)

10) zebra (zèbre)