Monday, December 16, 2013

Christmas Song- Ella Fitzgerald

Here is the version of the Christmas song we will be singing-- it's a little bit different, but mostly just HOW she sings it.  

Wednesday, December 11, 2013

Digestive System Video

We are moving on from the circulatory system to talk about the food's path through the body: the digestive system.  Here is a video to help learn more.

Biome Boxes

In case you haven't seen them in class, here are some pictures of the biome boxes that the children created.  I was really impressed with the what they came up with.  

 Deciduous Forest: Stella, Georgy & Vladimir
 Arctic Tundra: Nina, Bia & Tom
 Tropical Forest: Saralyne, Loanne, Elisabeth
Tropical Savanna: Donna, Angelina
Desert: Valentino, Eva, Sofia
 Taiga: Sasha, Carla, Alex

Spelling List- Week of 13 December

1) breakfast- petit déjeuner

2) bread- pain

3) weather- le temps (conditions climatiques)

4) sweater- pull

5) leather- cuir

6) head- tête

7) ready- pret

8) deaf- sourd

9) feather- plume

10) meadow- pré

Tuesday, December 3, 2013

Spelling List Week of 6 December

1) star- étoile

2) yard- jardin

3) barn- grange

4) arm- bras

5) scarf- écharpe

6) card- carte

7) farm- ferme

8) park- parc

9) hard- dur/difficile

10) yarn- (c'est la matériel avec qui on tricote-- en Français je pense qu'on dit "laine" mais en Anglais ce n'est pas forcement faite de la laine, elle peut être faite du coton, etc. aussi)

Tuesday, November 26, 2013

Spelling List (Week of 29 November)

1) storm- un orage

2) fork- une fourchette

3) horn- un klaxon; un cor; une corne

4) corn- maïs

5) north- nord

6) sore- endolori; en colère

7) torn- déchiré

8) stork- la cigogne

9) more- encore/plus

10) thorn- une épine

Monday, November 18, 2013

Spelling List- Week of 22 November

All of the words in this week's list have a silent letter (a letter that is not pronounced) do you know which letters they are?

If you want to hear how the words sound, click on the link and  download the file as PPTX 

Sunday, November 17, 2013

Biomes Project Information

This week we will begin online research on biomes.  Students will work in groups of 3 on a specific biome.  After the research is done, students will be making biomes in a box to help others in class learn about the world's biomes.  Here are some links to help you research your biome:

Map of Biomes

Information About Different Biomes

*If the English is too difficult, look for some articles in French to help you learn more.

Wednesday, November 13, 2013

Spelling List (Week of 15 Nov)

1) down
2) crown
3) flower
4) tower
5) owl
6) bowl
7) brown
8) shower
9) towel
10) bow


* All of the words rhyme except for the word "bowl."

* The word "bow" can be pronounced in two ways and has two meanings--on this list it is the verb form (The actors bow at the end of the play.)

Grammar Review Games

Please click on the links to find some review games!